Dream SMP transcriptions.
just an amateur fan project!!
not professional transcriptions made for accessibility
© 2020 DSMP Transcripts
The use for linguistic or other professional studies is possible with the consent of the author.
sorted by characters:
[Lined up in alphabetical order. Click the characters to get to the transcripts.]

- 21/01/20 - Ant is present during the Disc Finale
- 21/01/25 - Ant helps get Sam trapped on the Egg
- 21/03/09 - Ant traps Hannah with the Egg
- 21/03/10 - The Eggpire threatens Foolish at his Summer home
- 21/03/10 - The Eggpire looks for Hannah
- 21/04/25 - The Red Banquet
- 21/06/03 - Ant confronts Bad & Puffy about the Red Banquet
- 21/11/28 - Ant leaves for vacation before the Prison break

[The events are lined up to follow the storyline, the dates are not connected to the story flow but to when the event was streamed.]
- 20/12/03 - Quackity tries to make an alliance with Badlands
- 21/01/20 - Bad is present during the Disc Finale
- 21/01/25 - Bad traps Sam on the Egg
- 21/01/27 - Quackity & Bad talk about the Egg
- 21/01/31 - Bad visits Dream in the prison
- 21/03/09 - Bad traps Hannah on the Egg
- 21/03/10 - The Eggpire threatens Foolish in his Summer home
- 21/03/10 - The Eggpire looks for Hannah
- 21/03/31 - Bad gets pranked by George and DreamXD
- 21/04/12 - Bad catches Quackity in trying to blow up the Egg
- 21/03/16 - Bad & Quackity talk at the top of Punz's tower
- 21/04/18 - Bad talks with red!Skeppy
- 21/04/25 - The Red Banquet
- 21/06/03 - Ant confronts Bad about the Red Banquet
- 21/11/27 - Bad admires Foolish's DreamXD statue
- 21/11/28 - The Prison Break
- 21/11/28 - Bad tries to look for Dream after his escape



[The events are lined up to follow the storyline, the dates are not connected to the story flow but to when the event was streamed.]
- 20/08/02 - The Final Control Room & The Duel
- 20/09/09 - Dream invades the Presidential Debate
- 20/10/08 - Wilbur asks Dream for TNT
- 20/11/17 - Dream dethrones Eret
- 20/12/02 - The exile discussion
- 20/12/03 - George gets dethroned
- 20/12/04 - Tommy gets exiled
- 20/12/06 - Eret vs Mexican L'Manberg discussion
- 20/12/16 - Dream gets pissed off at Tommy in the exile
- 20/12/18 - Dream & Punz talk about the staged finale
- 20/12/19 - Dream looks for Tommy in the Arctic
- 20/12/27 - Dream meets Techno & Tommy in front of the portal
- 21/01/05 - The destruction of the Community house
- 21/01/06 - Dream & Tommy talk after Doomsday
- 21/01/20 - The final Disc fight
- 21/01/20 - The Disc finale in Dream's Vault
- 21/01/21 - Tommy visits Dream in the prison
- 21/01/30 - Ranboo & Dream - prison visit
- 21/01/31 - Bad visits Dream in the prison
- 21/02/09 - Sapnap visits Dream in prison
- 21/02/21 - Tommy gets stuck in prison
- 21/03/01 - Dream kills Tommy in the prison
- 21/03/04 - Dream revives Tommy
- 21/03/12 - Tommy is set free from the prison
- 21/03/16 - Quackity starts his prison sessions with Dream
- 21/04/29 - Dream revives Wilbur
- 21/05/22 - Quackity forces Dream to write a note to Techno
- 21/06/06 - Techno visits Dream in prison
- 21/06/21 - Techno and Dream chill in the prison
- 21/09/14 - Techno escapes from the prison
- 21/11/28 - Dream breaks out of prison
- 21/11/28 - Dream meets Tommy, Sapnap and Punz after his escape
- 22/01/14 - Dream & Punz test out the Revival Book (flashback)
- 22/01/29 - Dream finds Sam stuck in the prison cell
- 22/01/30 - Dream visits Sam in the prison again
- 22/02/03 - Dream offers Sam a deal
- 22/02/05 - Sam gives Dream the keys to the Prison.

[A character portrayed by cc!Dream.]

- 20/08/02 - The Final Control Room & The Duel
- 20/09/22 - The Election results 2020
- 20/09/22 - The Elections Aftermath
- 20/11/17 - Dream dethrones Eret
- 20/12/03 - George gets dethroned and Eret is king again
- 20/12/06 - Eret vs Mexican L'Manberg discussion
- 21/01/06 - Eret, Niki & Fundy talk before Doomsday
- 21/01/20 - Eret is present during the Disc Finale
- 21/03/02 - Eret & Puffy talk about Tommy's death
- 21/03/28 - Foolish & Eret talk about their shared past
- 21/04/25 - The Red Banquet
- 21/10/30 - Eret talks about his future plans with the SMP
- 22/01/29 - Eret finds out Michael is missing


- 21/03/10 - Sam and Foolish get attacked by the Eggpire
- 21/03/28 - Foolish & Eret talk about their shared past
- 21/04/23 - Foolish shows Ranboo around the mansion
- 21/04/25 - The Red Banquet
- 21/04/26 - Foolish wakes up after his death
- 21/05/06 - Tommy & Foolish talk about L'Manberg
- 21/05/22 - Quackity talks to Foolish about Las Nevadas
- 21/05/22 - Foolish visits Las Nevadas
- 21/06/18 - Tubbo and Quackity argue about walls near Las Nevadas
- 21/06/18 - Foolish tries to stop Tommy from kidnapping Slime
- 21/06/18 - Ranboo builds a farm at Walltown
- 21/06/30 - Ponk tells Foolish about his Lemon tree
- 21/07/09 - Ponk asks Foolish for a favor
- 21/09/14 - Quackity tells Foolish that Dream escaped
- 21/09/27 - Foolish & Ponk talk about Sacrifice
- 21/11/27 - Foolish helps Quackity decipher Slime's message
- 21/11/27 - Foolish talks with DreamXD
- 21/11/28 - Foolish finds out about the actual Prison break
- 21/11/28 - Foolish witnesses the Prison break

- 20/08/02 - The Final Control Room & The Duel
- 20/09/09 - The Presidential Debate
- 20/09/22 - The Election results 2020
- 20/09/22 - The Elections Aftermath
- 20/10/16 - The Manberg Festival
- 20/11/27 - Fundy - Being adopted
- 20/12/02 - The exile discussion
- 20/12/04 - Fundy shows the L'Manberg council the hitlist
- 21/01/05 - The destruction of the Community house
- 21/01/05 - Ranboo talks about sides
- 21/01/06 - Fundy - The Backstab before Doomsday
- 21/01/06 - Fundy & Ranboo talks about sides
- 21/03/30 - Fundy wakes up in his own mind
- 21/04/25 - The Red Banquet
- 21/05/03 - Fundy & Phil talk about revived!Wilbur
- 21/05/22 - Fundy talks to Quackity in another dreamscape
- 21/05/24 - Fundy visits Las Nevadas
- 21/06/10 - Fundy joins Las Nevadas
- 21/06/18 - Tommy continues his mischief in Las Nevadas
- 21/11/28 - Fundy finds out about the Prison break
- 21/11/28 - Fundy witnesses the Prison break

- 20/09/09 - The Presidential Debate
- 20/09/22 - The Election results 2020
- 20/09/22 - The Elections Aftermath
- 20/11/17 - George gets crowned as the king
- 20/12/03 - George gets dethroned
- 20/12/06 - Eret vs Mexican L'Manberg discussion
- 21/03/31 - George talks with DreamXD
- 21/04/12 - Quackity tells George about Las Nevadas
- 21/04/25 - The Red Banquet
- 21/07/20 - Sapnap and George talk with Mexican Dream



- 20/09/09 - The Presidential Debate
- 20/09/22 - The Election results 2020
- 20/09/22 - The Elections Aftermath
- 21/01/06 - Quackity & Jack talk after Doomsday
- 21/01/20 - Jack is present during the Disc Finale
- 21/03/12 - Jack talks to revived!Tommy
- 21/03/12 - Jack talks with Niki about Tommy
- 21/03/26 - Tubbo & Jack talk about the nukes
- 21/05/05 - revived!Wilbur apologizes to Jack
- 21/08/03 - Jack's one year anniversary
- 21/11/28 - Jack finds out Dream broke out of prison
- 21/11/28 - Jack looks for Dream
- 21/11/28 - Jack's War with Himself

- 20/09/09 - The Presidential Debate
- 20/12/06 - Eret vs Mexican L'Manberg discussion
- 21/10/23 - Sapnap tells Tina the history of the DSMP
- 21/11/27 - Karl kicks Quackity out of Kinoko Kingdom
- 21/11/28 - Sapnap tells Karl about Dream wanting to destroy Kinoko


- 20/09/22 - The Election results 2020
- 20/09/22 - The Elections Aftermath
- 20/10/16 - Dear friend...
- 20/10/16 - The Manberg Festival
- 21/01/05 - Ranboo talks about sides
- 21/01/06 - Niki & Fundy talk about L'Manberg
- 21/01/06 - Niki & Ranboo talk about sides
- 21/01/20 - Niki is present during the Disc Finale
- 21/03/12 - Niki talks with Jack about Tommy
- 21/03/31 - Niki gets pranked by George & DreamXD
- 21/04/25 - The Red Banquet
- 21/06/01 - Niki celebrates Techno's birthday
- 21/06/01 - Niki realizes that Wilbur is back
- 21/11/28 - Niki sets off withers during the Prison break
- 21/11/28 - Niki meets up with the Syndicate after fleeing
- 21/11/28 - Jack visits Niki in her city

- 20/11/16 - Phil tries to stop Wilbur from blowing up L'Manberg
- 20/11/27 - Fundy & Phil go fishing and talk about adoption
- 20/12/12 - Techno tells Phil about the voices
- 21/01/06 - Phil & Ghostbur talk about the L'Manberg explosion
- 21/04/29 - Ranboo tells Phil about Wilbur being back
- 21/05/03- Fundy & Phil talk about revived!Wilbur
- 21/05/05 - Phil talks to revived!Wilbur
- 21/05/05 - Ranboo & Phil talk after meeting revived!Wilbur
- 21/05/30 - Ranboo & Phil find a new forest in the Arctic
- 21/06/01 - Phil celebrates Techno's birthday
- 21/06/06 - Techno gives Phil his will
- 21/07/25 - Phil makes Wilbur befriend Ranboo
- 21/09/14 - Phil breaks Techno out of prison
- 21/11/28 - Phil helps break Dream out of prison
- 21/11/28 - Phil helps Tommy build his walls
- 21/12/04 - Phil talks to Tommy about priorities

- 20/10/16 - The Manberg Festival
- 21/01/06 - Ponk talks briefly to Fundy & Niki before Doomsday
- 21/01/20 - Ponk is present during the Disc Finale
- 21/03/10 - The Eggpire threatens Foolish at his Summer home
- 21/03/24 - Sam interrogates Ponk
- 21/04/25 - The Red Banquet
- 21/06/30 - Ponk tells Foolish about his Lemon tree
- 21/07/09 - Ponk asks Foolish for a favor
- 21/08/16 - Ponk talks to HBomb
- 21/09/27 - Foolish and Ponk talk about Sacrifice
- 21/11/28 - Ponk passes by Boomer before the Prison break
- 21/11/30 - Ponk confronts Sam about the prison break


- 20/09/22 - The Election results 2020
- 20/09/22 - The Elections Aftermath
- 20/10/16 - The Manberg Festival
- 20/12/03 - Punz witnesses George's dethroning
- 20/12/18 - Dream & Punz talk about the staged finale
- 21/01/19 - Punz finds the payment from Tommy
- 21/01/20 - Punz leads everyone into Dream's Vault
- 21/04/12 - Punz & Bad catches Quackity trying to blow up the Egg
- 21/11/28 - The Prison Break
- 21/11/28 - Punz meets up with Dream after his escape
- 22/01/14 - Punz and Dream test out the Revival Book (flashback)


[The events are lined up to follow the storyline, the dates are not connected to the story flow but to when the event was streamed.]
- 20/09/09 - The Presidential Debate
- 20/09/22 - The Elections Aftermath
- 20/09/22 - The Election results 2020
- 20/10/16 - The Manberg Festival
- 20/10/17 - Wilbur shows Tommy & Quackity the Button room
- 20/12/02 - The exile discussion
- 20/12/03 - Quackity witnesses George's dethroning
- 20/12/03 - Dream & Quackity talk after George is dethroned
- 20/12/04 - Quackity shows the L'Manberg council his Butcher Army room
- 20/12/06 - Eret vs Mexican L'Manberg discussion
- 21/01/05 - The destruction of the Community house
- 21/01/05 - Tubbo & Quackity talk abt Ranboo
- 21/01/06 - Quackity wants to leave the DSMP
- 21/01/06 - Quackity warns Tommy after Doomsday
- 21/01/06 - Quackity talks to Ranboo & Jack after Doomsday
- 21/01/20 - Quackity witnesses the Disc finale
- 21/01/27 - Quackity & Bad talk about the Egg
- 21/04/12 - Quackity tries to convince Sam to kill Dream and tries to blow up the Egg
- 21/03/12 - Quackity talks to Tommy after his revival
- 21/03/16 - Quackity starts his prison sessions with Dream
- 21/04/25 - The Red Banquet
- 21/05/22 - The start of the Las Nevadas crew
- 21/05/22 - Foolish visits Las Nevadas
- 21/05/24 - Fundy visits Las Nevadas
- 21/05/31 - Wilbur & Tommy visit Las Nevadas
- 21/06/01 - Quackity asks Techno to go visit Dream in the prison
- 21/05/27 - Quackity teaches Slimecicle and Connor how to gamble
- 21/06/10 - Fundy joins Las Nevadas
- 21/06/10 - Purpled joins Las Nevadas
- 21/06/18 - Tubbo and Quackity argue about walls near Las Nevadas
- 21/06/18 - Tommy continues his mischief in Las Nevadas
- 21/06/18 - Ranboo builds a farm at Walltown
- 21/08/04 - Quackity hires Tubbo
- 21/08/04 - Quackity makes a deal with Tubbo about the Cookie outpost
- 21/09/14 - Techno escapes from the prison
- 21/11/27 - Quackity teaches Slimecicle some lessons
- 22/01/26 - The Wilbur Van (ao3 - all credits to Wilbur Soot)
- 21/11/28 - Quackity finds out Dream actually broke out of prison
- 21/11/28 - Quackity meets up with Tommy after Dream's escape

Mexican Dream:
[A character portrayed by cc!Quackity.]

Ranboo / Boo:
[The events are lined up to follow the storyline, the dates are not connected to the story flow but to when the event was streamed.]
- 20/12/02 - Ranboo works as minutes man during the exile discussion
- 20/12/04 - Tubbo & Ranboo talk about the future elections
- 21/01/04 - Ranboo & Tubbo make laws
- 21/01/05 - Ranboo talks about sides
- 21/01/05 - Ranboo hears the Voice for the first time
- 21/01/06 - Niki & Ranboo talks about sides
- 21/01/06 - Fundy & Ranboo talks about sides
- 21/01/06 - Quackity & Ranboo talk after Doomsday
- 21/01/11 - The Voice helps Ranboo find hidden TNT in his panic room
- 21/01/15 - The Voice helps Ranboo remember Tommy's disc is under his base
- 21/01/20 - Ranboo witnesses the Disc Finale
- 21/01/30 - Ranboo & Dream - prison visit
- 21/02/01 - Sam bans Ranboo from visiting the prison
- 21/02/09 - Sapnap gives Ranboo Dream's message :)
- 21/03/02 - Ranboo & Sam talks about Tommy's death
- 21/03/10 - Tubbo and Ranboo witness Foolish using his lighting powers
- 21/03/12 - Ranboo talks to revived!Tommy
- 21/03/14 - Ranboo & Ghostbur talk about Wilbur
- 21/04/23 - The Enderwalk, Ranboo begs Sam to lock him up
- 21/04/29 - The bench trio try to break into the prison
- 21/04/29 - Ranboo tells Phil about Wilbur being back
- 21/05/05 - Ranboo talks to revived!Wilbur
- 21/05/05 - Ranboo & Phil talk after meeting revived!Wilbur
- 21/05/22 - Ranboo creates the Lab for his Enderwalk
- 21/05/30 - Ranboo & Phil find a new forest in the Arctic
- 21/06/01 - Ranboo celebrates Techno's birthday
- 21/06/18 - Tubbo & Ranboo build walls around the Cookie outpost
- 21/06/18 - Ranboo builds a farm at Walltown
- 21/07/25 - Ranboo & Wilbur make a Burger van
- 21/08/03 - Wilbur & Ranboo meet Tubbo next to L'Manhole
- 21/08/04 - Ranboo finds out Tubbo works for Quackity
- 21/08/04 - Ranboo talks to Tubbo about his new job
- 22/01/26 - The Wilbur Van (ao3 - all credits to Wilbur Soot)
- 21/11/28 - Ranboo dies during the Prison break

[The events are lined up to follow the storyline, the dates are not connected to the story flow but to when the event was streamed.]
- 21/01/25 - Sam gets trapped on the Egg
- 21/01/31 - Bad visits Dream in the prison
- 21/02/01 - Sam bans Ranboo from visiting the prison
- 21/03/02 - Ranboo & Sam talks about Tommy's death
- 21/03/09 - Sam helps Hannah remove the vines from her house
- 21/03/10 - Sam and Foolish get attacked by the Eggpire
- 21/03/10 - Sam finds Hannah trapped with the Egg
- 21/04/12 - Sam & Quackity talk about killing Dream
- 21/03/12 - Sam lets Tommy out of prison
- 21/03/16 - Sam lets Quackity inside the prison
- 21/03/24 - Sam interrogates Ponk
- 21/04/23 - Ranboo asks Sam to lock him up
- 21/04/29 - Sam lets Ghostbur visit Dream & Wilbur gets revived
- 21/04/25 - The Red Banquet
- 21/05/22 - Quackity & Sam talk about Las Nevadas
- 21/06/06 - Sam traps Techno in the prison
- 21/08/23 - Tommy and Sam go down to the Egg
- 21/09/14 - Techno escapes from the prison
- 21/11/02 - Boomer talks with Sam about his multiple bodies
- 21/11/02 - Hannah, Sam and Boomer talk about the bank
- 21/11/28 - The Prison Break
- 21/11/28 - Sam looks for Dream after his escape
- 21/11/30 - Ponk confronts Sam about the prison break
- 21/12/04 - Sam checks up on Tommy
- 22/01/29 - Sam spends one day in the prison cell
- 22/01/30 - Sam gets visited by Dream again
- 22/02/02 - Sam monologues in the prison
- 22/02/03 - Dream offers Sam a deal
- 22/02/05 - Sam gives Dream the keys to the Prison.

Sam Nook:
[A character portrayed by cc!Sam.]

- 20/10/09 - The Presidential Debate
- 20/12/03 - George gets dethroned
- 20/12/06 - Eret vs Mexican L'Manberg discussion
- 21/01/20 - Sapnap defends Tubbo and Tommy in the Disc Finale
- 21/02/09 - Sapnap visits Dream in prison
- 21/02/09 - Sapnap gives Ranboo Dream's message :)
- 21/07/20 - Sapnap and George talk with Mexican Dream
- 21/10/23 - Sapnap tells Tina the history of the DSMP
- 21/11/27 - Sapnap invites Quackity to Kinoko Kingdom
- 21/11/28 - The Prison Break
- 21/11/28 - Sapnap takes Dream's armor and encounters him in Tubbo's bunker
- 21/12/04 - Sapnap finds Tommy in Tubbo's house

Schlatt / Glatt:
- 20/09/22 - The Election results 2020
- 20/09/22 - The Elections Aftermath
- 20/10/16 - The Manberg Festival


- 21/05/22 - Slimecicle gets recruited by Quackity as a spy
- 21/05/27 - Quackity teaches Slimecicle how to gamble
- 21/06/10 - Slimecicle meets Fundy
- 21/06/10 - Slimecicle spies on Purpled
- 21/06/18 - Slimecicle gets kidnapped by Tommy
- 21/06/18 - Slimecicle meets Ranboo
- 21/11/27 - Slimecicle learns a few lessons

- 20/10/16 - The Manberg Festival
- 20/11/16 - Techno tells Tommy the story of Theseus
- 20/12/12 - Techno tells Phil about the voices
- 20/12/27 - Techno & Tommy run into Dream by the Community portal
- 21/01/04 - Techno tells Tommy about blowing up L'Manberg
- 21/01/05 - The destruction of the Community house
- 21/01/06 - Tommy & Techno during Doomsday
- 21/04/25 - The Red Banquet
- 21/06/01 - Techno celebrates his birthday and Dream calls on his favor
- 21/06/06 - Techno gets stuck in the prison with Dream
- 21/06/21 - Techno and Dream chill in the prison
- 21/09/14 - Techno escapes from the prison
- 21/11/28 - Techno breaks Dream out of prison
- 21/11/28 - Techno meets up with Tubbo in search for answers


[The events are lined up to follow the storyline, the dates are not connected to the story flow but to when the event was streamed.]
- 20/08/02 - The Final Control Room & The Duel
- 20/09/09 - The Presidential Debate
- 20/09/22 - The Election results 2020
- 20/09/22 - The Elections Aftermath
- 20/10/08 - Wilbur reveals to Tommy his plan
- 20/10/08 - Tommy tries to stop Wilbur & Dream
- 20/10/16 - The Manberg Festival
- 20/10/17 - Wilbur shows Tommy and Quackity the Button room
- 20/11/16 - Tommy learns the story of Theseus from Techno
- 20/12/02 - The exile discussion
- 20/12/04 - Tommy gets exiled
- 20/12/16 - Tommy leaves his exile
- 20/12/19 - Dream looks for Tommy in the Arctic
- 20/12/27 - Techno & Tommy run into Dream by the Community portal
- 21/01/04 - Techno tells Tommy about blowing up L'Manberg
- 21/01/05 - The destruction of the Community house
- 21/01/06 - Tommy & Techno during Doomsday
- 21/01/06 - Dream & Tommy after Doomsday
- 21/01/06 - Tommy talks with Ghostbur & Quackity after Doomsday
- 21/01/20 - The final Disc fight
- 21/01/20 - The Disc finale in Dream's Vault
- 21/01/20 - Tommy & Tubbo talk to dead!Wilbur
- 21/01/21 - Tommy visits Dream in the prison
- 21/02/21 - Tommy gets stuck in prison
- 21/03/01 - Dream kills Tommy in the prison
- 21/03/04 - Dream revives Tommy
- 21/03/12 - Tommy is set free from the prison
- 21/04/29 - Tommy breaks into the prison to kill Dream
- 21/05/05 - Tommy talks with revived!Wilbur
- 21/05/06 - Tommy & Foolish talk about L'Manberg
- 21/05/31 - Wilbur & Tommy visit Las Nevadas
- 21/06/18 - Tommy continues his mischief in Las Nevadas
- 21/08/23 - Tommy and Sam go down to the Egg
- 22/01/26 - The Wilbur Van (ao3 - all credits to Wilbur Soot)
- 21/11/28 - Tommy finds out Dream broke out of prison
- 21/11/28 - Tommy encounters Dream in exile again, meets Quackity and builds walls around his base
- 21/12/04 - The Green Smile That Haunts Me

[The events are lined up to follow the storyline, the dates are not connected to the story flow but to when the event was streamed.]
- 20/08/02 - The Final Control Room & The Duel
- 20/09/09 - The Presidential Debate
- 20/09/22 - The Election results 2020
- 20/09/22 - The Elections Aftermath
- 20/10/16 - The Manberg Festival
- 20/12/02 - The exile discussion
- 20/12/03 - Tubbo & Ranboo talk about the future elections
- 20/12/04 - Tubbo exiles Tommy
- 21/01/04 - Ranboo & Tubbo make laws
- 21/01/05 - The destruction of the Community house
- 21/01/05 - Tubbo defends Ranboo in front of Quackity
- 21/01/06 - Quackity & Tubbo talk before Doomsday
- 21/01/06 - After Doomsday
- 21/01/20 - The final Disc fight
- 21/01/20 - The Disc finale in Dream's Vault
- 21/01/20 - Tommy & Tubbo talk to dead!Wilbur
- 21/03/10 - Tubbo and Ranboo witness Foolish using his lighting powers
- 21/03/12 - Tubbo talks to revived!Tommy
- 21/03/26 - Tubbo & Jack talk about the nukes
- 21/04/29 - The bench trio break into the prison to kill Dream
- 21/06/18 - Tubbo and Quackity argue about walls near Las Nevadas
- 21/08/03 - Wilbur & Ranboo meet Tubbo next to L'Manhole
- 21/08/04 - Tubbo starts working for Quackity
- 22/01/26 - The Wilbur Van (ao3 - all credits to Wilbur Soot)
- 21/08/04 - Tubbo talks to Ranboo about being on opposite sides
- 21/11/28 - Tubbo finds out about Ranboo's death and Michael missing

Wilbur / Ghostbur:
[The events are lined up to follow the storyline, the dates are not connected to the story flow but to when the event was streamed.]
- 20/08/02 - The Final Control Room & The Duel
- 21/04/12 - Quackity & Wilbur talk about power before the election
- 20/09/09 - The Presidential Debate
- 20/09/22 - The Election results 2020
- 20/09/22 - The Elections Aftermath
- 20/10/08 - Wilbur reveals to Tommy his plan
- 20/10/08 - Wilbur & Dream - Vassal
- 20/10/16 - The Manberg Festival
- 20/10/17 - Wilbur shows Tommy and Quackity the Button room
- 20/11/16 - Wilbur & Phil - It was never meant to be
- 21/01/20 - dead!Wilbur talks to Tommy & Tubbo
- 21/03/04 - Wilbur talks with Tommy in the afterlife
- 21/04/29 - Wilbur gets revived
- 21/05/05 - Wilbur's first day after revival
- 21/05/31 - Wilbur & Tommy visit Las Nevadas
- 21/07/25 - Wilbur makes a Burger van
- 21/08/03 - Wilbur & Ranboo meet Tubbo next to L'Manhole
- 21/08/04 - Wilbur realizes he has competition
- 22/01/26 - The Wilbur Van (ao3 - all credits to Wilbur Soot)
sorted by storyline:
[Names loosely based on the DSMP wiki page.]
Tales from the SMP:
[Stories told by c!Karl from his time travels.
From the past and the future of the Dream SMP.]
[Transcripts of lore that are on the border
between canon and not canon.]
L'Manberg era:
— August 2nd, 2020 to January 4th, 2021
- 20/08/02 - The Final Control Room & The Duel
- 20/09/09 - The Presidential Debate
- 20/09/22 - The Election results 2020
- 20/09/22 - The Elections Aftermath
- 20/10/08 - Wilbur reveals to Tommy his plan
- 20/10/08 - Wilbur asks Dream for some TNT
- 20/10/16 - Niki - Dear friend...
- 20/10/16 - The Manberg Festival
- 20/10/17 - Wilbur shows Tommy and Quackity the Button room
- 20/11/16 - Dream dethrones Eret
- 20/11/16 - Techno tells Tommy the story of Theseus
- 20/11/16 - Phil tries to stop Wilbur from blowing up L'Manberg
- 20/11/27 - Fundy - Being adopted
- 20/12/02 - The exile discussion
- 20/12/03 - George gets dethroned
- 20/12/04 - Tommy gets exiled
- 20/12/04 - Tubbo & Ranboo talk about the future elections
- 20/12/06 - Eret vs Mexican L'Manberg discussion
- 20/12/12 - Techno tells Phil about the voices
- 20/12/16 - Tommy leaves his exile
- 20/12/18 - Dream & Punz talk about the staged finale
- 20/12/19 - Dream looks for Tommy in the Arctic
- 20/12/27 - Techno & Tommy run into Dream by the Community portal
- 21/01/04 - Ranboo & Tubbo make laws
- 21/01/04 - Techno tells Tommy about blowing up L'Manberg
Doomsday / Disunion era:
— January 5th to January 20th, 2021
- 21/01/05 - The destruction of the Community house
- 21/01/05 - Ranboo talks about sides
- 21/01/05 - Tubbo & Quackity talks abt Ranboo
- 21/01/05 - Ranboo & the voice - first time
- 21/01/06 - Fundy - The Backstab
- 21/01/06 - Niki & Ranboo talks about sides
- 21/01/06 - Quackity & Tubbo talk before Doomsday
- 21/01/06 - Tommy & Techno - Doomsday
- 21/01/06 - Dream & Tommy after Doomsday
- 21/01/06 - Phil & Ghostbur talk about the L'Manberg explosion
- 21/01/06 - Ghostbur says he wants to be revived
- 21/01/06 - Fundy & Ranboo talks about sides
- 21/01/06 - Quackity talks to Ranboo and Jack after Doomsday
- 21/01/11 - Ranboo & the voice II.
- 21/01/15 - Ranboo & the voice - the disc
- 21/01/19 - Punz finds the payment from Tommy
- 21/01/20 - The final Disc fight
- 21/01/20 - The Disc finale in Dream's Vault
- 21/01/20 - Tommy & Tubbo talk to dead!Wilbur
Prison / Lockdown era:
— January 21st to March 1st, 2021
- 21/01/21 - Tommy visits Dream in the prison
- 21/01/25 - Sam gets trapped on the Egg
- 21/01/27 - Quackity & Bad talk about the Egg
- 21/01/30 - Ranboo visits Dream in prison
- 21/01/31 - Bad visits Dream in the prison
- 21/02/01 - Sam talks /w Ranboo after his visit
- 21/02/09 - Sapnap visits Dream in prison
- 21/02/09 - Sapnap gives Ranboo Dream's message :)
- 21/02/21 - Tommy gets stuck in prison
- 21/03/01 - Dream kills Tommy in the prison
Mourning / Post-lockdown era:
— March 2nd to March 24th, 2021
[The events are lined up to follow the storyline, the dates are not connected to the story flow but to when the event was streamed.]
- 21/03/02 - Ranboo & Sam talks about Tommy's death
- 21/03/02 - Eret & Puffy talk about Tommy's death
- 21/03/04 - Dream revives Tommy
- 21/03/09 - Hannah gets trapped with the Egg
- 21/03/10 - Sam and Foolish get attacked by the Eggpire
- 21/03/10 - Sam finds Hannah trapped with the Egg
- 21/04/12 - Quackity blows up the Egg, talks with Sam about killing Dream
- 21/03/12 - Tommy is set free from the prison
- 21/03/12 - Jack talks with Niki about Tommy
- 21/03/14 - Ranboo & Ghostbur talk about Wilbur
- 21/03/31 - George talks with DreamXD
- 21/03/16 - Quackity makes a bet with Glatt and starts his sessions with Dream
- 21/03/24 - Sam interrogates Ponk
The Red Banquet era:
— March 26th to April 26th, 2021
[Events that happened around the same time that Red Banquet happened.]
The Revival era:
— April 29th to June 1st, 2021
[An era that runs alongside Las Nevadas era and Breakout era. This includes events that are directly tied to c!Wilbur's revival.]
- 21/04/29 - Tommy breaks into the prison
- 21/04/29 - Ranboo tells Phil about Wilbur being back
- 21/05/03- Fundy & Phil talk about Wilbur
- 21/05/05 - Wilbur is revived
- 21/05/05 - Ranboo & Phil talk after meeting revived!Wilbur
- 21/05/06 - Tommy & Foolish talk about L'Manberg
- 21/05/22 - Ranboo creates the Lab for his Enderwalk
- 21/05/30 - Ranboo & Phil find a new forest in the Arctic
- 21/06/01 - Niki realizes that Wilbur is back
Las Nevadas era:
— May 22nd to September 14th, 2021
[An era that runs alongside the Revival era and Breakout era. This includes events that are closely tied to Las Nevadas only.]
- 21/05/22 - Quackity - Las Nevadas
- 21/05/22 - Foolish visits Las Nevadas
- 21/05/24 - Fundy visits Las Nevadas
- 21/05/31 - Wilbur & Tommy visit Las Nevadas
- 21/06/01 - Techno celebrates his birthday
- 21/06/06 - Techno visits Dream in prison
- 21/05/27 - Quackity teaches Slimecicle and Connor how to gamble
- 21/06/10 - Fundy joins Las Nevadas
- 21/06/10 - Purpled joins Las Nevadas
- 21/06/18 - Tubbo and Quackity argue about walls near Las Nevadas
- 21/06/18 - Tommy continues his mischief in Las Nevadas
- 21/06/21 - Techno and Dream chill in the prison
- 21/06/18 - Ranboo builds a farm at Walltown
- 21/07/25 - Wilbur makes a Burger van
- 21/08/03 - Wilbur & Ranboo meet Tubbo next to L'Manhole
- 21/08/04 - Unhealthy Competition
- 21/08/04 - My New Purpose
- 21/09/14 - Techno escapes from the prison
Breakout era:
— June 3rd to November 28th, 2021
[Era that focuses more on the individual stories of characters, runs alongside Revival and Las Nevadas eras.]
- 21/06/03 - Ant confronts Bad and Puffy about the Red Banquet
- 21/06/30 - Ponk tells Foolish about his Lemon tree
- 21/07/09 - Ponk asks Foolish for a favor
- 21/07/20 - Sapnap and George talk with Mexican Dream
- 21/08/03 - Jack's one year anniversary
- 21/08/16 - Ponk talks to HBomb
- 21/08/23 - Tommy and Sam go down to the Egg
- 21/09/27 - Foolish and Ponk talk about Sacrifice
- 21/10/16 - Michaelmcchill - Find Serenity
- 21/10/19 - Michael builds his bunker
- 21/10/23 - Sapnap tells Tina the history of the DSMP
- 21/10/30 - Eret talks about his future plans with the SMP
- 21/11/02 - Boomer talks with Sam
- 21/11/02 - Hannah, Sam and Boomer talk in the bank
- 21/11/26 - Michael's Second Transmission: Find Serenity
- 21/11/27 - Las Nevadas - Lessons
- 21/11/27 - Foolish talks with DreamXD
- 21/11/28 - The Prison Break
- 21/11/28 - Aftermath of the Prison Break
Freefall era:
— November 28th, 2021 to (on going)
- 21/11/28 - Jack's War with Himself
- 21/11/30 - Ponk confronts Sam about the prison break
- 21/12/04 - The Green Smile That Haunts Me
- 22/01/14 - Punz and Dream test out the Revival Book (flashback)
- 22/01/26 - The Wilbur Van (ao3 - all credits to Wilbur Soot)
- 22/01/29 - Eret finds out Michael is missing
- 22/01/29 - Sam is stuck in prison - Day 1
- 22/01/30 - Sam is stuck in prison - Day 2
- 22/02/02 - Sam monologues in the prison
- 22/02/03 - Dream offers Sam a deal
- 22/02/05 - Sam gives Dream the keys to the Prison.
sorted by arcs:
[This is not a full list of all arcs, only a few. Each arc includes events that are closely tied to it.]
L'Manberg arc:
[Includes also events from Manberg and Pogtopia.]
- 20/08/02 - The Final Control Room & The Duel
- 20/09/09 - The Presidential Debate
- 20/09/22 - The Election results 2020
- 20/09/22 - The Elections Aftermath
- 20/10/08 - Wilbur reveals to Tommy his plan
- 20/10/08 - Wilbur & Dream - Vassal
- 20/10/16 - Niki - Dear friend...
- 20/10/16 - The Manberg Festival
- 20/10/17 - Wilbur shows Tommy and Quackity the Button room
- 20/11/16 - Dream dethrones Eret
- 20/11/16 - Tommy & Techno - You want to be the hero?
- 20/11/16 - Wilbur & Phil - The button room
New L'Manberg arc:
[Includes Exile arc. Doomsday has its own section.]
- 20/11/27 - Fundy - Being adopted
- 20/12/02 - The exile discussion
- 20/12/03 - George gets dethroned
- 20/12/04 - Tommy gets exiled
- 20/12/04 - Tubbo & Ranboo talk about the future
- 20/12/06 - Eret vs Mexican L'Manberg discussion
- 20/12/16 - Tommy leaves his exile
- 20/12/19 - Dream looks for Tommy in the Arctic
- 20/12/27 - Techno, Tommy & Dream - Favor?
- 21/01/04 - Ranboo & Tubbo make laws
- 21/01/04 - Techno tells Tommy about blowing up L'Manberg
- 20/12/12 - Techno tells Phil about the voices
- 21/01/05 - The destruction of the Community house
- 21/01/05 - Ranboo talks about sides
- 21/01/05 - Tubbo & Quackity talks abt Ranboo
- 21/01/05 - Ranboo hears the voice for the first time
- 21/01/06 - Fundy - The Backstab
- 21/01/06 - Niki & Ranboo talks about sides
- 21/01/06 - Quackity & Tubbo talk before Doomsday
- 21/01/06 - Tommy & Techno - Doomsday
- 21/01/06 - Dream & Tommy after Doomsday
- 21/01/06 - Phil & Ghostbur talk about the L'Manberg explosion
- 21/01/06 - Ghostbur says he wants to be revived
- 21/01/06 - Fundy & Ranboo talks about sides
- 21/01/06 - Quackity talks to Ranboo and Jack after Doomsday
- 21/01/11 - Ranboo talks with the voice about the explosion
The Egg arc:
- 21/01/25 - Sam gets trapped on the Egg
- 21/01/27 - Quackity & Bad talk about the Egg
- 21/03/09 - Hannah gets trapped with the Egg
- 21/03/10 - Sam and Foolish get attacked by the Eggpire
- 21/03/10 - Sam finds Hannah trapped with the Egg
- 21/03/28 - Foolish and Eret talk about their past
- 21/04/12 - Quackity blows up the Egg
- 21/04/18 - Bad talks with red!Skeppy
- 21/04/25 - The Red Banquet
- 21/04/26 - Foolish wakes up after his death
- 21/06/03 - Ant confronts Bad and Puffy about the Red Banquet
- 21/08/23 - Tommy and Sam go down to the Egg
- 21/11/02 - Hannah and Sam talk about the Red Banquet in the bank
Prison arc:
[The events are lined up to follow the storyline, the dates are not connected to the story flow but to when the event was streamed.]
- 20/12/18 - Dream & Punz talk about future
- 21/01/20 - The Disc finale in Dream's Vault
- 21/01/21 - Tommy visits Dream in the prison
- 21/01/30 - Ranboo visits Dream in prison
- 21/01/31 - Bad visits Dream in the prison
- 21/02/01 - Sam talks /w Ranboo after his visit
- 21/02/09 - Sapnap visits Dream in prison
- 21/02/09 - Sapnap gives Ranboo Dream's message :)
- 21/02/21 - Tommy gets stuck in prison
- 21/03/01 - Dream kills Tommy in the prison
- 21/03/02 - Ranboo & Sam talk about Tommy's death
- 21/04/12 - Quackity tries to convince Sam to kill Dream
- 21/03/04 - Dream revives Tommy
- 21/03/12 - Tommy is set free from the prison
- 21/03/14 - Ranboo & Ghostbur talk about Dream and Wilbur
- 21/03/16 - Quackity starts his daily visits
- 21/03/24 - Sam interrogates Ponk
- 21/04/23 - Ranboo tries to convince Sam to lock him up
- 21/04/29 - Tommy breaks into the prison with Ghostbur
- 21/05/05 - Wilbur's first day after his revival
- 21/05/22 - Quackity makes Dream write a letter to Techno
- 21/06/01 - Quackity asks Techno to go visit Dream
- 21/06/06 - Techno visits Dream in prison
- 21/06/21 - Techno and Dream chill in the prison
- 21/09/14 - Techno escapes from the prison, Quackity freaks out
- 21/11/02 - Boomer talks with Sam about the Prison
- 21/11/28 - The Prison Break
- 21/11/28 - Aftermath of the Prison Break
- 21/11/30 - Ponk confronts Sam about the Prison Break
- 22/01/29 - Sam is stuck in prison - Day 1
- 22/01/30 - Sam is stuck in prison - Day 2
- 22/02/02 - Sam monologues in the prison
- 22/02/03 - Dream offers Sam a deal
- 22/02/05 - Sam gives Dream the keys to the Prison.
Revival arc:
- 21/01/20 - Dream reveals he owns a Revive book
- 21/03/01 - Dream kills Tommy in the prison
- 21/04/12 - Quackity tries to convince Sam to kill Dream
- 21/03/04 - Dream revives Tommy
- 21/03/12 - Tommy is set free from the prison
- 21/03/16 - Quackity starts his daily visits
- 21/04/29 - Tommy breaks into the prison with Ghostbur
- 21/05/05 - Wilbur's first day after his revival
- 21/06/21 - Techno and Dream accidentally summon DreamXD
- 21/09/14 - Techno escapes from the prison, Quackity freaks out
- 22/01/14 - Dream and Punz test out the Revival Book (flashback)
Las Nevadas arc:
- 21/04/12 - The beginning of Las Nevadas
- 21/03/16 - Quackity talks with Glatt, Sam and Dream
- 21/05/22 - Quackity - Las Nevadas
- 21/05/22 - Foolish visits Las Nevadas
- 21/05/24 - Fundy visits Las Nevadas
- 21/05/31 - Wilbur & Tommy visit Las Nevadas
- 21/05/27 - Quackity teaches Slimecicle and Connor how to gamble
- 21/06/10 - Fundy joins Las Nevadas
- 21/06/10 - Purpled joins Las Nevadas
- 21/06/18 - Tubbo and Quackity argue about walls near Las Nevadas
- 21/06/18 - Tommy continues his mischief in Las Nevadas
- 21/06/18 - Ranboo builds a farm at Walltown
- 21/07/20 - Sapnap and George talk with Mexican Dream
- 21/07/25 - Wilbur makes a Burger van
- 21/08/03 - Wilbur & Ranboo meet Tubbo next to L'Manhole
- 21/08/04 - Unhealthy Competition
- 21/08/04 - My New Purpose
- 21/11/27 - Las Nevadas - Lessons
- 22/01/26 - The Wilbur Van (ao3 - all credits to Wilbur Soot)
this is just a fan amateur project, these are not professional transcriptions made for accessibility, their main focus is on the lore streams and bits only. they are not full transcripts of the streams and they don't serve as their replacement
it's all just for fun, it's not a job for us so be considerate if there are some errors or delays
there might be some delay from twitter posts, there is a big chance that you will not be able to find newer transcripts on here first few hours after posting on twitter
what is this?
a place where you can find transcriptions of lore for roleplay Minecraft server Dream SMP /roleplay /dsmp
you can search through them by either a certain character or by a storyline
you can also request some transcripts that haven't been made yet in the request section
you are free to use the transcripts on twitter as long as you CREDIT the account!!
if you want to use any snippets of the transcripts anywhere ALWAYS GIVE CREDITS!
if you want to post them on other platforms, ask first through dms
about the transcripts:
program: Microsoft Word, Google Docs
font: Courier New
time: depends on how long is the speech and how well it can be heard, but approximately 1-2 hours / 10 minutes of speech
update time: earliest 24 hours after the stream
big thanks to @C1OUS3R on twitter who made a remake of the whole dsmp
On April 29, 2021 followed by: Wilbur, Tommy's alt, Ranboo, Tubbo, Phil, Antfrost's main and alt, Awesamdude.
On November 2, 2021 followed by Boomer.
Requests and feedback:
You can request a transcription or give us
feedback to change up the formatting of the text, in those two forms down below.